
7/31/2024 9:28 pm

Calling all aspiring library volunteers!  This job entails helping your child's class check out books and reshelving the ones that have been returned. 


The library schedules are below, if you need to know your child's class library time before signing up (4th is A schedule, 5th is B Schedule, K-3 are the same).  


Thanks for your continued support of the BHE library and feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns!


Link to Schedules:

Library Schedule A

Library Schedule B




New this year!  Kindergarten, First, Second and Third grade parents (or grandparents!) will have the opportunity to read aloud to their child’s class during library time. Readers must be and approved SBISD volunteer.  UPDATE: We've added Fourth grade read aloud - sign up now!!





Contact Cathy Schuetze (713-899-3481) & Haley Gilliam (713-702-1960)